About Eagleyed

Eagleyed connects National Capital Area Council (NCAC) Eagle Scouts to share their Eagle Project experiences with the community.

My name is Titus Er. I founded Eagleyed in 2022 with the intent of raising awareness of Eagle Scout Service Projects. As an Eagle Scout who has undergone the difficulties of executing an Eagle Scout Service Project, I noticed a need in the community to recognize the service efforts of Eagle Scouts. The content on Eagleyed.org provides younger scouts with inspiration for their own future Eagle Service Projects and shares first-hand leadership experience while planning, developing and implementing the project.

The link below is one of my Scout publications:

Star Scout Completes Bernard Harris SUPERNOVA Award!

Successfully completed my Eagle Board of Review as an 8th grader during COVID-19

Mission: Inspire Scouts to becoming Future Eagles

At Eagleyed we hope to supply scouts with the knowledge they need beforehand to start their Eagle Projects or gain inspiration for their projects; soaring toward greater heights Eagle Projects spark change in communities. Through sharing of first-hand leadership experience while planning, developing, and implementing the service project, Eagleyed shows the planning necessary to carry out an effective project.

If you are an Eagle Scout willing to publish your Eagle Project for the benefit of the community, reach out to eagleyed.info@gmail.com.